
A line/ Aligner workshop

Join us this Wednesday at La Centrale galerie Powerhouse for a short presentation where participants are invited to share in the action of A Line, an adaptation based on Houdini’s Trewey’s Paper Rings and Lygia Clark’s Caminhando. A Line is…

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A line / Aligner

A Line is a vitrine installation by Leisure (Meredith Carruthers & Susannah Wesley). The short video and take-away poster is inspired by Brazilian artist Lygia Clark’s propositional action, Caminhando (Walking), 1963.

 A Line is part of Carruthers’ and Wesley’s ongoing…

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A Festive Drop-In

Oversized silver corsages, flocked cocktail aprons, curlers & cocktails highlight this afternoon event. Inspired by the hopeful glamour of 1950’s Christmas, Leisure members spend days baking in heels and exploring the granny-hairdressing underbelly of Montreal. Tricia Middleton elaborates on the festive theme…

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The Art of Season’s Greetings 2: Canadian Compliments of the Season

Canadian publishers had jumped on the bandwagon of printed Christmas cards as early as the 1870s to compete with foreign printers. This card is cited as the earliest known Canadian-produced Christmas card. Montreal and Toronto boasted printing or publishing companies…

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Leisure hosting: la salonnière

« la Chambre bleue d’Arthénice » Salon de Madame de Rambouillet LADIES MOBILIZE THEIR LIVING ROOMS By the seventeenth century, the salon had become an entrenched part of French society and intellectual life and had also come to have a…

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Susannah Wesley on “Blankety Blank” by Candice Tarnowski

Leisure is pleased to announce the opening of the Candice Tarnowski exhibition Blankety Blank at the Toronto Harbourfront York Quay Centre. The exhibition is located in the Project Window at the west side of the York Quay Centre and is…

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Hair Follies Exhibition Features Outrageous Wigs

Leisure Projects was pleased to participate in a casual interview over lunch and tea with the Montreal Gazette reporter Christine Redfern. An excerpt from the article published in the January 17 issue is copied here. Meredith Carruthers and Susannah Wesley are the…

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Vienna Diary 2: Adolf Loos Bar

”…with pieces of blue, white and deep red glass like in a western, the filtered light from the ceiling’s marble coffers and the undersides of the translucent tables gave you the sense of well-being. You sipped your drink like a…

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Leisure & Landscape: Marie Antoinette

Exerpt: Casid, Jill H. “Queer(y)ing Georgic: Utility, Pleasure, and Marie-Antoinette’s Ornamented Farm” “Rather than start with a site that would signify “pure” farm, I take up in this essay the historic example of the farm gone bad, Marie-Antoinette’s ornamented farm,…

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Everybody must have projects all of the time

Leisure Projects celebrates the newest addition to our collection, a small etching of tools from the French wig trade circa 1780, with the quote below from Theodor Adorno . ”(…) Everybody must have projects all of the time. The maximum…

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